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International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board: Review of Environmental Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response in the Boundary Waters

International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board: Review of Environmental Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response in the Boundary Waters

 Do you wonder what's in place should there be a spill on the Lake of the Woods International waters? This document outlines what emergency preparedness measures are in place and proposed updates. "The report assesses whether appropriate plans and procedures are in place to respond to an environmental emergency in a coordinated fashion across borders and offers recommendations to the International Joint Commission for consideration for transmittal to the U.S. and Canadian governments," said the IRLWWB in its press release

Public comment is appreciated and can be done following the links below. 

Click here for the Draft Report

Click here to add input to the report. Due April 18, 2019.

 March 22, 2019